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Direct Transfer Agreements

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Direct Transfer Agreements 2023-03-21T08:43:03+00:00

Direct Transfer Agreements (DTA)

Students and Advisor at the Highline College Transfer CenterThe Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) is an agreement between Washington state’s community colleges and baccalaureate colleges and universities. It is for the benefit of Washington community college students who are transferring their courses and credits to their intended four-year Washington institution. Refer to Washington’s transfer brochure to learn more about this degree.

View list of Washington baccalaureate colleges and universities that subscribe to the Intercollege Relations Commission (ICRC) Guidelines for the DTA.

The following four degrees are accepted by all of the Washington public and most of the private baccalaureate universities:

Please take note of the following information regarding the Associate of Science (AS) Transfer degree:

Students who transfer with a completed AS degree will generally enter into the WA state universities with junior standing since they receive the same priority consideration for admission as students who transfer with the DTA associate degree completed.

An advantage of earning the AS transfer degree is that you will be able to efficiently “frontload” the degree with many science courses that are prerequisites for your intended major.

Another advantage of the AS transfer degree is that you apply to colleges that give priority admission to students with a completed transfer degree.

Check with your university too, for any additional general education requirements you may need to complete before graduating with your baccalaureate degree.

Benefits of transferring with the DTA degree

  • The DTA degrees are recognized as fulfilling most, if not all, of the lower division general education requirements at many of the WA baccalaureate institutions.
  • Transfer students will generally have junior-level standing (90 quarter credits or 60 semester credits) at the receiving institution.
  • If a student transfers with the DTA associate degree completed, he or she will generally be admitted with junior standing. However, keep in mind too, that in order to be accepted to a major or program, students must still meet admissions requirements (if any) including prerequisite courses or portfolio review or interviews, tests etc.
    Be sure to check with the Admissions Office at your intended university for further details regarding any additional general education and major prerequisites that are required for admission and graduation.
  • Many Washington baccalaureate colleges give priority admission to students who have a completed DTA upon transfer.
  • Some colleges may be able to waive the transfer application fee for students who will have a DTA completed upon transfer. For example, Seattle University will waive its application fee for transfer students who will enter the university with a DTA. This can mean substantial savings to students who are applying to a number of colleges. Always contact your college to find out if they offer the application fee waiver.