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FAQ 2018-12-12T16:24:42+00:00

Frequently Asked Questions

The following frequently asked questions should provide some guidance for planning your transfer to a four-year college or university.

Planning your Transfer

The Application Process

  1. When should I apply to my university?
  2. What other important deadlines should I be aware of?
  3. What documents should I submit?
  4. How do I send my official Highline transcript?
  5. Do four-year colleges accept students year round?
  6. Do I need to complete a degree before transferring?
  7. If I have questions about applying to my university, whom should I contact?

Types of Transfer Degrees

  1. What types of Highline degrees are transferable to four-year colleges?
  2. Associate of Arts Degree -Direct Transfer Agreement (AA/DTA)
  3. Associate of Science Degree (AS)
  4. Associate in Biology DTA/MRP (Major Related Program)
  5. Associate in Business DTA/MRP
  6. Associate in Pre-Nursing – DTA/MRP
  7. Are there four-year transferable options after completing an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree?

Getting Accepted to the University

  1. What is the Grade Point Average (GPA) that I will need to transfer to a four-year college or university?
  2. How can I improve my chances of being accepted to my university?

Transferring Credits to the University

  1. Which Highline classes transfer to a four-year college or university in the state of Washington?
  2. What if I want to transfer to a university located outside the state of Washington?
  3. Are there a maximum number of credits I can transfer?

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

The Application Process

  1. When should I apply to my university? The deadlines for the four-year colleges or universities vary. It is critical that you understand the application deadlines for your university and that you submit all required documents by the listed deadlines. Always refer to the closing dates listed on the Admissions page of your university.
  2. What other important deadlines should I be aware of? Besides the application deadline for general admissions, check to see if a separate application and therefore, separate deadline, for applying to your major. In addition, there are deadlines for applying for financial aid, scholarships and housing, if needed. Also, do not wait to be accepted by your university before applying for financial aid. The financial aid deadlines at many colleges are often earlier than those of general admission.
  3. What documents should I submit? In general, students need to complete an online application, pay an application fee (check with the university to see if a fee waiver is available), write a personal essay and send an official copy of a Highline transcript. If you had attended other colleges, you will need to contact these schools and request that they send official copies of your transcript to your university.
  4. How do I send my official Highline transcript? You can order an official Highline transcript by accessing the college’s Admissions page. Please note that there is a transcript fee and a turnaround time for sending a transcript. Therefore, be sure to plan well in advance when you place your transcript order.Similarly, if you had attended other colleges, you will need to contact them directly and order official transcripts.
  5. Do four-year colleges accept students year round? It depends on the institution. Many colleges admit students year – round while others might restrict admission to once a year only.  For example, many universities will accept students for fall admission only, if they are applying to a nursing program.
  6. Do I need to complete a degree before transferring? You do not have to complete a degree before transferring although there are benefits to doing so. Many universities in the state of Washington will give priority admission to students with a completed AA or AS degree.  The priority for admission is for general admission to the university only and not for admission to a specific major. Be sure to check with your university  for more information regarding admission to your major, including prerequisites and GPA requirement.The DTA degrees are also recognized as fulfilling most, if not all, of the lower division general education requirements at many of the WA baccalaureate institutions. However, keep in mind that the University of Washington will evaluate your community college courses on an individual basis (course-by-course) and will determine what other general education requirements are needed for graduation from the institution.If you are planning to transfer before earning a Highline degree, you should always refer to your university’s course equivalency guide for a listing of transferable courses. However, not all four-year colleges have such guides on their websites.  Check with your university.
  7. If I have questions about applying to my university, whom should I contact? It is always best to keep in contact with the Admissions staff at your university. The Admissions Office staff at the universities are often very helpful with answering students’ questions about the admissions process and requirements. They also have updated information regarding the admissions requirements and can therefore, provide you with accurate information.Visit the Transfer Center for transfer resources such as university transfer guides that will outline the application deadlines, required application documents and information about majors.

You can also speak with an Academic Advisor at Highline College during our open hours. The Advising Center is located in Building 6,1st floor.

Types of Transfer Degrees

  1. What types of Highline degrees are transferable to four-year colleges? The following statewide degrees are transferable to all WA state public universities as well as many WA private universities.
  2. Associate of Arts Degree -Direct Transfer Agreement (AA/DTA) The Associate of Arts degree is appropriate for students who are interested in majors within the liberal arts. Most students complete this degree in preparation for majors such as communications, psychology, sociology or political science.
  3. Associate of Science Degree (AS) The Associate of Science degree is appropriate for students who plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree in the science and technology fields. Highline College offers five AS degrees: biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering and physics.
  4. Associate in Biology DTA/MRP (Major Related Program) The Associate in Biology degree prepares students to major in biology at a university.  This degree is also known as a Major Related Program or MRP.
    Students who are interested in majoring in biology or studying medicine or dentistry should meet with a biology faculty advisor to discuss whether they should complete the Associate in Biology degree or the Associate of Science Biology degree.
  5. Associate in Business DTA/MRP The Associate in Business degree is appropriate for students who are planning to study business (including accounting) at a four-year institution.
  6. Associate in Pre-Nursing – DTA/MRP The Associate in Pre-Nursing degree is appropriate for students who are planning to transfer to a four-year nursing program (BSN degree).
  7. Are there four-year transferable options after completing an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree? Yes. There are four-year colleges in Washington that will accept the AAS degrees. Be sure to speak with an advisor regarding your transfer options. In addition, students might also want to consider one of Highline’s five Applied Baccalaureate degrees which can be an excellent pathway after obtaining an AAS degree.

Getting Accepted to the University

  1. What is the Grade Point Average (GPA) that I will need to transfer to a four-year college or university? This varies significantly from school to school, but most four-year universities and colleges may require a 2.5 or a 2.75 or a 3.2 cumulative transfer Grade Point Average (GPA). You should check directly with your university’s Admissions Office to determine what a competitive GPA looks like. Remember that different departments within a four-year college or university may require a higher GPA from the one used for general admission. Connect with an Admissions Office representative from the institution you intend to transfer to in order to check the requirements.
  2. How can I improve my chances of being accepted to my university? It is important for you to be as well prepared academically as possible. This means that you have researched both the requirements and GPA needed for admission to your university and to your major.

Transferring Credits to the University

  1. Which Highline classes transfer to a four-year college or university in the state of Washington? Typically, all classes numbered over 100 and that are listed on the current Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) and the Associate of Science degree distribution list will transfer to the public, and many of the private colleges and universities in the state of Washington. However, there may be exceptions to the rule.Keep in mind that the University of Washington (Seattle/Tacoma/Bothell)  will always evaluate your community college courses on an individual basis (course-by-course) and will determine what other general education requirements are required for graduation from the UW.If you are planning to transfer before earning a Highline degree, you should refer to your university’s course equivalency guides to make sure you understand how your Highline credits transfer over.
  2. What if I want to transfer to a university located outside the state of Washington? If you are planning to apply to an out-of-state university, be sure to ask their Admissions Office how your Highline degree and credits will transfer to that school. It is important that you work closely with an advisor from that college to determine their admission and general education requirements. If you are able to visit the campus in person, that will be helpful. Be sure to bring along syllabi of Highline classes that you had completed so the advisor can review the information.
  3. Are there a maximum number of credits I can transfer? Generally, the maximum number of credits that will transfer from a Washington community college to a Washington state four-year school is 90 quarter (college level) credits.

However, some universities may accept more than 90 credits. Check with your four-year school for clarification.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Transfer Center.